The SDS system is a continuous loop system which means any fuel not used by the engine is returned to the originating fuel tank. This page shows how the return fuel line was installed under the front seats.
There are three holes in the F-1048 rib. It is opened (using a uni-bit) so it is the same size as the first. This is where the return line bulkhead fitting is installed. The top of the system bracket (F-1084A&B) was installed and a uni-bit used to open the hole to match the first as well. See pix # 1.
Pix # 2 shows the return fuel line installed into the F-1048 middle bulkhead fitting. Pix # 3 shows the same line exiting the side of the fuselage. A hole a large enough for an AN6 bulkhead fitting was drilled into the fuselage side just above the hole used for the stock fuel line.

You will notice the large hole where the fuel line from the tank penetrates the fuselage has been filled. See the bottom fuel line in the 3rd pix above. This provides a hard point for an AN fitting on the side of the fuselage. The pix to the right shows the bracket that was fabricated (in grey) as well as a large thick washer (on both sides of the hole) that was also used (it is in silver). This provides ample support for the AN fitting. You will also notice that the bracket incorporates the support bracket for the bottom wing root fairing.